Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
May 8, 2024

Signer: Cloud, James (1913)
Title of film: A Plea for a Statue of Abbe de l'Epee in America
Number of segments: 14
ASL English Segment URL
TWO~HUNDRED YEAR AND BEYOND AGO DAY~NOW TRUE BORN IN pn:FRANCE MALE ONE WHO FUTURE BECOME LOOK-AT 3P-IX(lc,rf) ESTABLISH DEAF TEACH+ AND(rf) FATHER SIGN, C-H-A-R-L-E-S M-I-C-H-E-L D-E L-'-E-P-E-E.Two hundred years ago and more today there was born in France a man who was destined to become the recognized founder of deaf-mute instruction and father of the language of conventional signs - Charles Michel de l'Epee. 1hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=1
3P-SELF PASS-DOWN(rf) FANCY PEOPLE, RICH HAVE, LEARN WISE HAVE SOUL STRONG LOVE FEEL~PITY(2h) FOR(rf) PEOPLE, AND WITH EVERY++(linear) HOPE FOR(rf) GLORY SUCCEED IN ANY WORK WANT+, Of a family prominent in the annals of his country, possessed of ample means, endowed with a liberal education, having a heart strong in love and sympathy for humankind, and with every prospect of a brilliant career in whatever calling he might choose for himself, 2hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=2
3P-SELF DEVIATE FROM fs:THE WAY GLORY PEOPLE BEFORE FOLLOW AND MAKE NEW WAY AND MOST FOR 3P-SELF IN gs:WHAT FUTURE(2h) FOLLOW BY S-I-C-A-R-D, C-L-E-R-C, fs:THE G-A-L-L-A-U-D-E-T-S AND ALL WHO UP-TILL-NOW WHO FUTURE BECOME TRUE FRIEND TEACH~AGENT DEAF.he departed from the beaten path of glory and made a new path, more glorious still, to be followed, in later years, by Sicard, by Clerc, by the Gallaudets, and by all who have been, and by all who are yet to be, the true friends, teachers, and benefactors of the deaf.3hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=3
NOW HAVE IN pn:FRANCE NEAR+ P-A-R-I-S IN CITY(circ) V-E-R-S-L-E-S ONE FANCY SHAPE ESTABLISH PLACE gs:WHAT(rf) D-E L-E-P-E TRUE BORN, LARGE IN SHAPE BEAUTIFUL IMAGE AND DEAF MALE MAKE; 3P-IX(rc) GIVE-GIFT BY DEAF FRANCE.There stands in Versailles, on the outskirts of Paris, marking the birthplace of De l'Epee, a noble statue, heroic in size, lofty in sentiment, of rare artistic beauty, the work of a deaf sculptor and the gift of the deaf of France. 4hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=4
THAT(2h) SHAPE SOME SHOW HONOR, LOVE pn:FRANCE DEAF HAVE FOR D-E L-E-P-P-E, AND THAT(1h) LOVE 1P-IX-PL HERE HAVE AND OTHER DEAF ALSO.This statue is but a partial expression of the veneration in which De l'Epee is held by the deaf of his own country - a veneration shared by the deaf of other lands - but by none more than by the deaf of the United States.5hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=5
TRUE GOOD FOR pn:GALLAUDET AGO SEEK FOR LEARN HOW TEACH DEAF FUTURE LEAD TO pn:FRANCE. It was fortunate that the elder Gallaudet, in his quest for information as to how the deaf might be taught, was finally directed to France. 6hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=6
FROM THAT(rf,1h)SCHOOL ESTABLISH BY D-E L-E-P-E-E AND OVER-ALL 3P-POSS EXCHANGE~AGENT S-I-C-A-R-D, pn:GALLAUDET G-A-L-L-E-T GET FOR pn:AMERICA DEAF TWO WORTH THING, FINGERSPELLING AND SIGN.From the school founded by De l'Epee, and presided over by his illustrious pupil and successor, Sicard, Gallaudet obtained for the American deaf their two great boons, manual spelling and the sign language.7hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=7
DEAF HERE(rf) pn:AMERICA UNDER 1P-POSS-PL N-A-D CLASS END ESTABLISH AT pn:WASHINGTON ONE SHAPE FOR 3P-POSS OTHER LOVE HONOR FRIEND HELP~AGENT T-H-O-M-A-S H-O-P-K-I-N-S G-A-L-L-A-D-E-T.The American deaf, under the auspices of this Association, have erected, at Washington, a statue to their greatly beloved national benefactor, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet.8hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=8
NATION COLLEGE FOR DEAF AT pn:WASHINGTON HAVE 3P-POSS(rt) NAME. The national college for the deaf at Washington bears his name.9hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=9
3P-POSS(rt) BIRTHDAY~DAY DET-IX-PL(X) DEAF PEOPLE KNOW~STAY THAT(2h) cl-p:55(move-fwd) YEAR~ONE-YEAR-FUTURE ONE-YEAR-FUTURE. The anniversary of his birth is receiving a wider observance with each succeeding year.10hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=10
3P-POSS REMEMBER IN SOUL pn:AMERICA DEAF A-S 3P-POSS-PL FRIEND, TEACH~AGENT, HELP~AGENT CONTINUE FOR~FUTURE(2h).His place in the hearts and minds of the American deaf as their "friend, teacher and benefactor" is secure for all time.11hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=11
BUT D-E L-E-P-E-E WHO ESTABLISH TEACH DEAF WORLD MUST WORTH HAVE ONE SUPERIOR HONOR KNOW~STAY FROM(rf)1P-IX-PL THAN 1P-IX-PL HAVE NOW.But De l'Epee, the universal benefactor of the deaf, deserves a more fitting recognition at our hands than he has yet received.12hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=12
ALLOW 1P-IX-PL ESTABLISH UNDER N-A-D CONTROL AT INDEFINITE AREA FUTURE DECIDE, ONE SHAPE BECOME STAY KNOW~STAY AND CONTINUE SHOW(rt-to-lc) fs:OF LOVE HONOR pn:AMERICA DEAF HAVE FOR MALE THAT(1h) WHO ESTABLISH FIRST(2h) fs:PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR DEAF, WHO ESTABLISH MOST SUCCEED WAY TEACH DEAF, WHO GIVE DEAF FINGERSPELLING, WHO(rf) GIVE(rf) DEAF SIGN, C-H-A-R-L-E-S M-I-C-H-E-L D-E L-'-E-P-E-E.Let there be erected, under the auspices of this Association, at some place yet to be determined, a statue that will be a permanent memorial and a witness of the love and esteem which the American deaf have for him who founded the first public school for the deaf, the most successful method of educating the deaf, and who gave the deaf the manual alphabet and the language of conventional signs - Charles Michel de l'Epee.13hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=13
pose:bowThank you.14hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=cloud&keyid=14