Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
May 4, 2024

Signer: McGregor, Robert P. (1912b)
Title of film: The Lady and the Cake
Number of segments: 14
ASL English Segment URL
AGO+ LIVE FEMALE~ONE QUEEN BEAUTIFUL INTELLIGENT(wg,int) pn:FRANCE(exp).Long ago, in France there lived a beautiful and intelligent queen.1hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=1
3P-POSS-PL(arc_rt,error)(false start)2hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=2
3P-POSS(lt) FEMALE, UNDER SERVE~AGENT TROUBLE EAT HUNGRY GO-TO cl-d:55(river-to-lt) FOUNDATION(bridge) YELL(2h-alt) WANT(rf) BREAD++.One time, the queen heard one of her subjects crying under a bridge by the river; crying for bread to satisfy her hunger.3hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=3
DET-IX(lt) FEMALE BS:-to-rt WHERE TROUBLE 2P-IX(rt)?She asked the girl why she was troubled.4hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=4
bs:-to-lt 3P-POSS(lt) SERVE~AGENT EAT WANT BREAD+.The girl replied, "Your servant is hungry and wants some bread".5hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=5
bs:-to-rt W-H-Y(slow,int) NEGATIVE GIVE-2P SWEET cl-d-trace:1onB(cake)?The queen then said, "Why not give the girl some cake."6hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=6
bs:-to-ctr MAYBE 1P-IX-PL(1P-arc-3P) THINK FEMALE DET-IX(lt) STUPID(int).We may think the queen stupid for this suggestion,7hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=7
NO-NO INTELLIGENT BUT 3P-IX(lt) SAME(exp,int) NOW MANY+ TEACH~AGENT WANT+ HELP(-to-rt) DEAF, But this is not so; she was very intelligent, but just like many teachers today who want to help the Deaf,8hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=8
DEAF HOW THINKING, TRUE STUPID NOT INTELLIGENT(int).They believe that the Deaf are stupid and not intelligent.9hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=9
3P-IX(lt) DEAF WANT GIVE(rt), gs:OH-WELL! GIVE(rt) SAY++++.So, they want to give speech to the Deaf.10hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=10
bs:-to-lt BUT DEAF WANT gs:NOTHING(int) SAY+++.But the Deaf do not want speech;11hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=11
WANT BREAD(int) SIGN WANT.They want the bread; they want their Sign Language.12hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=12
bs:-to-rt gs:NO-NO 2P-IX UNDERSTAND gs:NOTHING, 1P-IX-PL KNOW GOOD LIVE(rf) GIVE RED~SUGAR cl-d-trace:1onB(cake,3x).But the teachers insist, "You do not understand, we know how to provide you with a good life; we will give you cake."13hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=13
bs:-to-lt DEAF gs:WAIT(int) SUGAR cl-d-trace:1onB(cake,circ)...But the Deaf reject the sweet cake...14hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&keyid=14