Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
July 27, 2024

Search: CATCH

Entry ID Book Source Reference Gloss Author’s gloss Description Page URL
314Long (1918) CATCHCATCHCATCH: Same as for "get" but make the motion more quickly. To catch a ball, represent motion of catching.45hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=314&refid=long1918
Tag ID Signer(Year) Reference Gloss   Context Segment URL
44Gallaudet (1910) CATCHN/AONCE THAT(1h) CLASS ON WAY CATCH ONE FEMALE~FANCY pn:FRANCE WITH FEMALE~cl-d:B(small-height,l-hand) OLD(r-hand) FIVE(l-hand)5hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=44
26McGregor (1912) CATCHN/Apn:IRELAND DET-IX(rt,rf) TROUBLE WITH ONE cl:11+++(flea-biting,2h-alt_on-body) TROUBLE DECIDE CATCH(int)2hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_flea&glossid=26