Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
February 11, 2025
Search: EAT
BOOKS: | ||||||
Entry ID | Book Source | Reference Gloss | Author’s gloss | Description | Page | URL |
271 | Higgins (1923) | EAT | EAT | EAT: Right "&" tips placed repeatedly at the lips. (Food) (Gluttony: Same sign with both hands as if crowding things down the throat) (Feed: Both "&" hand tips against chest then moved up-out-down-to supine, and "Eat"). | 51 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=271&refid=higgins1923 |
319 | Long (1918) | EAT | FOOD, EAT | FOOD, EAT: Throw the "&" hand lightly against mouth and repeat several times. | 46 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=319&refid=long1918 |
769 | Long (1918) | EAT~DIFFERENT | FOOD | FOOD: Make sign for "eat" and add "different," or "things." | 87 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=769&refid=long1918 |
755 | Long (1918) | EAT~MORNING | BREAKFAST | BREAKFAST: Sign "eat" (raise the right "&" hand to the mouth) and "morning." | 85 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=755&refid=long1918 |
757 | Long (1918) | EAT~NIGHT | SUPPER | SUPPER: Sign "eat" as above (BREAKFAST), then "evening." | 85 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=757&refid=long1918 |
756 | Long (1918) | EAT~NOON | DINNER | DINNER: Sign "eat" as above (BREAKFAST), then "evening." | 85 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=756&refid=long1918 |
182 | Michaels (1923) | EAT | EAT | EAT:1. With the fingers of one hand clustered around the thumb.2. Put them to your mouth and go through motion of chewing and swallowing. | 53 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=182&refid=michaels1923 |
298 | Michaels (1923) | EAT~BED | HOME | HOME:1. Make the sign for eat.2. Lean the side of the head in the palm of the hand.3. Close the eyes as if to sleep. | 74 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=298&refid=michaels1923 |
555 | Michaels (1923) | EAT~NIGHT | SUPPER | SUPPER:1. Sign eat and move your right hand downward over your left forearm near the wrist. | 119 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=555&refid=michaels1923 |
161 | Michaels (1923) | EAT~NOON | DINNER | DINNER:1. Put the elbow of your right arm in the palm of your left hand.2. Hold the right forearm perpendicular: noon.3. Point to the mouth and chew, as if eating. | 49 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=161&refid=michaels1923 |
FILMS: | ||||||
Tag ID | Signer(Year) | Reference Gloss | Context | Segment | URL | |
287 | Dougherty (1913) | EAT | N/A | 3P-IX C-H-E-A-T GOD BETRAY GOD ANGRY(1h) WITH PEOPLE DET-IX-PL UP-TILL-NOW TIME E-V-E TEMPT A-D-A-M EAT(2h-alt) APPLE. | 29 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=dougherty&glossid=287 |
12 | Erd (1913) | EAT | N/A | WITH EAT gs:NOTHING HUNGRY HOT gs:FEVER, FEMALE~cl-d:B(height,rt) cl:BB(lay-there,lt) DET-IX(lt) LOVE, | 2 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=12 |
164 | Erd (1913) | EAT~BED | N/A | EAT~BED GOING(-to-lt)/pose:running(-to-lt) H-I-A-W-A-T-H-A, gs:NOTHING EAT THING IN HANDS BRING(pitch,rt-to-lt), TIRED(pitch), HEART~HEAVY(pitch) pose:pacing. | 18 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=164 |
168 | Erd (1913) | EAT | N/A | EAT~BED GOING(-to-lt)/pose:running(-to-lt) H-I-A-W-A-T-H-A, gs:NOTHING EAT THING IN HANDS BRING(pitch,rt-to-lt), TIRED(pitch), HEART~HEAVY(pitch) pose:pacing. | 18 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=168 |
367 | Erd (1913) | EAT | N/A | EARTH(rt) HERE(rt) EAT gs:NOTHING HUNGRY HOT~gs:FEVER GRIEVE(bow) HEART HARM BODY THIN cl-d:BB(thin-body) TIRED. | 37 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=367 |
249 | Fay (1913) | EAT~BED | N/A | BETTER~SUPERIOR 2P-IX(lt) COME(-from-lt) EAT~BED QUICK. | 18 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=fay&glossid=249 |
527 | Gallaudet (1910) | EAT | N/A | AND 1P-IX-PL GET(lt) EAT UNDER(lt) LARGE(lt) TREE(l-hand_dom) SEEM(2h,lt) SAME OLD(2h) ENOUGH FOR YEAR(rep) THREE~HUNDRED PAST(l-hand) WHEN TIME-PERIOD O-F J-O-H-N | 47 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=527 |
548 | Gallaudet (1910) | EAT | N/A | FEMALE~YOUNG RELATED(ctr-to-lt) PLOW CLASS BRING(lt-to-rt) EAT BREAD BUTTER TEA - ALWAYS TEA IN pn:ENGLAND. | 48 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=548 |
666 | Gallaudet (1910) | EAT~BED | N/A | OTHER DAY(1h) 1P-IX-PL cl-p:55(group-move-along-to-rt) TO ONE VERY LIKE OLD EAT~BED NAME L-E-Y A-B-B-E-Y | 59 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=666 |
706 | Gallaudet (1910) | EAT~BED | N/A | AND(l-hand) 3P-SELF(rc) HAVE A MALE~BORN VERY THINK~SUCCEED FOR LEAVE-FROM(-to-rt) 3P-POSS EAT~BED RELATED(ctr-to-lt) T-H-E D-O-O-N-E-S CLASS(l-hand,lt) | 62 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=706 |
763 | Gallaudet (1910) | EAT | N/A | 1P-IX-PL HAVE VERY PLEASANT TEA EAT MUCH AND THINKING ABOUT FEEL~PITY YOUNG W-H-I-C-H-A-L-S-E 3P-SELF(rt) LOVE FOR L-O-R-N-A D-O-O-N-E WRONG(2h) 3P-POSS(rt) LIVE HAPPY LOSE gs:ALAS | 67 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=763 |
287 | Hotchkiss (1913) | EAT | N/A | 1P-IX-PL(1P-to-arc-to-1P) LIVE THINK~GOAL++ EAT+++(2h-alt) | 26 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hotchkiss&glossid=287 |
299 | Hotchkiss (1913) | EAT | N/A | BUT TRUE 1P-IX-PL(1P-to-3P-to-3P) EAT++(2h-alt) FOR GET~STRONG SO-AS 1P-IX-PL CAN DO LIVE GOOD(2h) | 29 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hotchkiss&glossid=299 |
608 | Hotchkiss (1913) | EAT | N/A | SO-AS CHILDREN APPRECIATE~MOST LOSE(rt) 3P-POSS(lc-to-lt) EAT THAN LOSE(lt) SEE(-to-lt) THAT(1h,lt) MALE TWO 3P-POSS(lt) PREACH++ ALL-AFTERNOON SUNDAY DAY | 58 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hotchkiss&glossid=608 |
14 | McGregor (1912) | EAT | N/A | 3P-POSS(lt) FEMALE, UNDER SERVE~AGENT TROUBLE EAT HUNGRY GO-TO cl-d:55(river-to-lt) FOUNDATION(bridge) YELL(2h-alt) WANT(rf) BREAD++. | 3 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&glossid=14 |
30 | McGregor (1912) | EAT | N/A | bs:-to-lt 3P-POSS(lt) SERVE~AGENT EAT WANT BREAD+. | 5 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_cake&glossid=30 |
292 | McGregor (1913) | EAT | N/A | OR IN pn:RUSSIA EAT HUNGRY(2h-alt) ALL-OVER(2h) | 31 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_sermon&glossid=292 |
316 | McGregor (1913) | EAT | N/A | IN HOUR 2~3~4 WORLD KNOW++ ABOUT THAT(2h,int) AND QUICK DET-IX-PL PEOPLE(rf) FEEL GO-TO(-to-rt) FEEL PITY(rt) QUICK SUMMONS+~GO-AWAY EAT CLOTHES MEDICINE DOCTOR SEND(rt) NO-MATTER(neg) cl:1aroundS(to-bottom-of) WORLD. | 33 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_sermon&glossid=316 |
368 | McGregor (1913) | EAT | N/A | 1P-POSS-PL(1P-to-arc) FATHER TRUE GOOD, KIND, DISTRIBUTE ENOUGH EAT CLOTHES FOR ALL 3P-POSS(up) MALE~FEMALE(rf)~CHILDREN 3P-SELF(up) SPOIL+(rt-to-lt) ANY (neg)AWFUL(int). | 36 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_sermon&glossid=368 |
21 | Veditz (1913) | EAT | N/A | THAT(ctr, 2h) 3P-SELF-PL(rt-to-ctr) cl-p:55(gather) DURING B-A-N-Q-U-E-T-S EAT+++(2h-alt), SMILE~PLEASANT | 3 | hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=veditz&glossid=21 |