Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
July 27, 2024

Search: HANG

Entry ID Book Source Reference Gloss Author’s gloss Description Page URL
384Higgins (1923) HANGHANG (on scaffold)HANG (On scaffold): Thumb of right "Y" hand under the chin at the side, and little finger pointing upward.70hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=384&refid=higgins1923
Tag ID Signer(Year) Reference Gloss   Context Segment URL
659Hotchkiss (1913) HANG-ON-CROSSN/ASAY, pn:JESUS cl-i:S//B(spike-in-lt-hand), cl-i:S//B(spike-in-rt-hand) gs:HANG-ON-CROSS DIE(2h)61hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hotchkiss&glossid=659