Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
October 13, 2024


Entry ID Book Source Reference Gloss Author’s gloss Description Page URL
438Higgins (1923) INSTITUTEINSTITUTEINSTITUTE: Right "I" hand moved in a circle upward-outward-downward-inward around the left closed prone hand and then rested on the back of the left. (Sometimes this circle is made entirely above the back of the left hand.) (Establish) (Foundation).79hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=438&refid=higgins1923
Tag ID Signer(Year) Reference Gloss   Context Segment URL
217Hotchkiss (1913) INSTITUTEN/AONCE 1P-IX KNOW~STAY 3P-SELF(rt) pn:CLERC GOING(-to-lt) ENTER(lt) INSTITUTE(lt) STAND STORY DISTRIBUTE DEAF ABOUT WORTH IMPORTANT 3P-IX-PL KEEP READ WRITE+ ARRANGE++(ctr-to-rt) 3P-POSS WORD ALRIGHT20hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hotchkiss&glossid=217
324Hotchkiss (1913) INSTITUTEN/AOTHER TIME-PERIOD pn:CLERC 3P-SELF(rc) SUMMONS(lc) MALE~cl-d:B(small-height,lt) GOING PASS(-to-rt) HOUSE ASK(rc) 2P-IX APPRECIATE++ TELL(-to-rt) STEWARD++ S-T-E-W-A-R-D(l-hand) OVER-ALL INSTITUTE(l-hand) TELL(-to-rt) COMMAND GO(rt-to-lt) WOOD BRING(rt-to-lt) 1P-IX30hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hotchkiss&glossid=324