Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
December 21, 2024


Entry ID Book Source Reference Gloss Author’s gloss Description Page URL
131Long (1918) SOUR~PUSHBITTERBITTER: Made same way as for sour, then turn hand away and push palm out as if pushing away bitter medicine.26hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=131&refid=long1918
84Michaels (1923) SOUR~PUSHBITTERBITTER: 1. Put the index finger to the lips. 2. Scrough your lips and move the hand quickly away. 3. Frown. Or, 1. Jab the index finger toward the mouth. 2. Scrough the lips and frown.35hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=84&refid=michaels1923
541Michaels (1923) SOUR~PUSHSOURSOUR: 1. Put the index finger on the thumb and make motion of tasting. 2. Scrough up the lips and move the hand away. 3. Have an unpleasant look.116hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=541&refid=michaels1923
Tag ID Signer(Year) Reference Gloss   Context Segment URL

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