Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
September 19, 2024

Search: THEN

Entry ID Book Source Reference Gloss Author’s gloss Description Page URL
1006Higgins (1923) TBDTHEN"Same" "Time" or "Next" or "After" according to the meaning.158hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=1006&refid=higgins1923
702Long (1918) FROM-THEN-ONAFTER (1)AFTER: Place the left "B" or open hand in front, palm toward self and the right open hand in same position with palm of fingers against the back of the left-hand fingers; hold the left hand still and push the right hand out and away from it. XIV,276.81hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=702&refid=long1918
55Long (1918) NEGATIVE~THEN~ORNEITHERNEITHER: Same as for "either," but prefix or follow with sign for "not," i.e., passing open right palm across open left hand, both turned downward, or raise "A" hand to chin and throw downward.19hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=55&refid=long1918
731Long (1918) THENTHENTHEN: Strike the end of the forefinger of the left "L" hand with the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand. XIV,290. Or, (2) Holding the left "L" hand pointing toward the right strike the thumb with the forefinger of the right "G" hand; quickly close the left forefinger and drop the right hand down just outside of the left so the palm side of the right fingers barely touches the knuckles or middle joints of the left hand; then extend left forefinger again and strike it with the forefinger of the right "G" hand.83hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=731&refid=long1918
54Long (1918) THEN~OREITHEREITHER: Close left hand, except thumb and forefinger which are extended and pointed upward, or inclined slightly toward self; touch first the thumb and then the forefinger with the forefinger of the right hand; bring both "A" hands away opposite each other, lowering and raising them alternately like a see-saw, to indicate " one or the other." II,24.19hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=54&refid=long1918
15Michaels (1923) FROM-THEN-ONAFTERAFTER: 1. Hold your left hand near your right side, palm toward you. 2. Put the fingers of the right hand on the back of the left hand. 3. Force the left hand back a little with the right hand fingers. 4. Move the right hand out forward in a straight forward way.21hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=15&refid=michaels1923
77Michaels (1923) FROM-THEN-ONBEYONDBEYOND: 1. Put the fingers of the right hand on the back of the left hand held before you. 2. Move the right hand outward and forward.33hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=77&refid=michaels1923
434Michaels (1923) THENOROR: 1. Hold the thumb and index finger of the left hand in front of you. 2. Touch alternately the thumb and the left index finger with the right index finger.97hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=434&refid=michaels1923
410Michaels (1923) THEN~NEGATIVENEITHERNEITHER: 1. Hold up before you the index and middle fingers of the left hand. 2. Touch on the tips of the fingers held before you with the index finger of the right one time each. 3. Move the right hand to the right, in a swift movement. Shake the head.94hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=410&refid=michaels1923
422Michaels (1923) THEN~NEGATIVENORNOR: 1. See neither.96hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=422&refid=michaels1923
186Michaels (1923) THEN~OTHEREITHEREITHER: 1. Hold the index finger and thumb of the left hand up before you. 2. Look intently at them, and touch first the index finger then the thumb held before you with the index finger of the right hand. (Same for Or).54hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=186&refid=michaels1923
Tag ID Signer(Year) Reference Gloss   Context Segment URL
133Dougherty (1913) THEN~OTHERN/ASEE~READ THERE(arc,lt) AMERICA THERE(arc,lt) DOCTOR TRY+ N-I-T-R-O-U-S O-X-I-D-E OR L-A-U-G-H-I-N-G G-A-S, THEN~OTHER E-T-H-E-R.14hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=dougherty&glossid=133
154Dougherty (1913) THENN/ATHEN E-T-H-E-R GIVE(2h) FOLLOW FUTURE(rf) VOMIT+ BAD.17hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=dougherty&glossid=154
246Dougherty (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/AFROM-THEN-ON DOCTOR 3P-SELF(lt) PUBLISH THAT(1h) C-H-L-O-R-O-F-O-R-M IN VARIOUS SICK(rf) VARIOUS(rf) MOTHER DIFFERENT(rf) DET-IX-PL pose:nod27hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=dougherty&glossid=246
299Dougherty (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/AFROM-THEN-ON(rf) FUTURE QUEEN V-I-C-T-O-R-I-A 3P-SELF(rt) LITTLE-BIT BECOME(bs:rt) MOTHER(bs:rt) 3P-POSS(rt) FEMALE~DOCTOR GET C-H-L-O-R-O-F-O-R-M cl-i:O(-from-nose)-to-cl-i:B(give-chloroform) BORN SUCCEED WITH TROUBLE(neg) PAIN(neg) gs:NOTHING(neg). 32hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=dougherty&glossid=299
200Erd (1913) THENN/ATHEN H-I-A-W-A-T-H-A, RUN-FAST cl-d:BB(wigwam,rt) cl-d:BB(flaps,rt) ENTER(rt).21hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=200
221Erd (1913) THENN/ATHEN H-I-A-W-A-T-H-A HEART(pitch) FULL cl:55(bursting) BREAK(abrupt_rel), YELL(pitch,2h,-to-rt) cl:BB(pitch,strike-against,rt) cl:BB(pitch,strike-against,lt) HEAR(pitch) cl:55(shaking-spreads) 24hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=221
250Erd (1913) THENN/ATHEN H-I-A-W-A-T-H-A gs:SIT(lt) QUIET HUSH pose:arms-folded ON(lt) cl-d:BB(bed-length,lt) BED 3P-POSS(lt) M-I-N-N-E-H-A-H-A,27hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=250
273Erd (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/ANEAR 3P-POSS(lt) APPRECIATE SURRENDER(bow) FEET FUTURE (neg)NEVER(pitch) FROM-THEN-ON LIGHT-WEIGHT pose:running(-to-lt) MEET(-to-lt), gs:NOTHING FROM-THEN-ON LIGHT-WEIGHT FOLLOW+(pitch,-to-ctr-to-rt).29hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=273
278Erd (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/ANEAR 3P-POSS(lt) APPRECIATE SURRENDER(bow) FEET FUTURE (neg)NEVER(pitch) FROM-THEN-ON LIGHT-WEIGHT pose:running(-to-lt) MEET(-to-lt), gs:NOTHING FROM-THEN-ON LIGHT-WEIGHT FOLLOW+(pitch,-to-ctr-to-rt).29hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=278
308Erd (1913) THENN/ATHEN INDIAN CLASS(rt) cl-p:55(walking-in-line,-to-lt) cl:BB(bring-and-lay-body-in-ground,lt) PUT(lt) BELOW(lt) LAND~cl:55(cover-up,lt) BODY 3P-POSS(lt) M-I-N-N-E-H-A-H-A.32hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=308
319Erd (1913) THENN/ATHEN H-I-A-W-A-T-H-A (pacing) pose:arms-crossed pose:arms-folded pose:face-in-hand pose:arms-folded gs:LOOK+(lt) 33hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=319
393Erd (1913) THENN/AFUTURE LITTLE-BIT TIME-PERIOD 1P-IX GOING(1x-to-lt) 1P-POSS DUTY DO ON EARTH END, FUTURE LITTLE-BIT TIME-PERIOD PASS THEN 2P-POSS(lt) cl:1(feet) WALK++(-to-lt) 1P-IX FUTURE FOLLOW(pitch) FAR+(pitch,1-hs)38hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=393
227Fox (1915) THENN/ADET-IX(ctr) BRAVE ARMY+ LIVE AND DIE(2h) WHO(l-hand,rf) WAR HERE END MAKE~NEAT MOST THAN 1P-POSS-PL WEAK STRONG CAN ADD+(lc) THEN REMOVE(rc) 21hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=fox&glossid=227
363Gallaudet (1910) FROM-THEN-ONN/AAND FROM-THEN-ON(rt) THAT(rep,2h) ONE LIKE STRANGE(rep,rt) C-A-V-E cl-d-trace:BB(curved-opening,rt) ENTER(rt)35hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=363
464Gallaudet (1910) FROM-THEN-ONN/ANEAR(rep) THAT(1h) H-E-A-T-H-E-R, LAND PLACE(-to-rt) WITH G-O-R-S-E YELLOW BEAUTIFUL VERY ALL-OVER(2h,l-hand_static,rc) AND(l-hand) FROM-THEN-ON(-to-rt) B-R-A-K-E-N RED(l-hand) BLACK(l-hand) COLOR GROW(rep3x,small_arc_at_rt) AND DURING INDEFINITE LOOK-AT(1h+arc-to-rt) SEEM(2h) SAME ONE BEAUTIFUL ARTIST(rep5x,lt) cl-d-trace:11(picture-frame,lt) IN C-O-L-O-R 42hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=464
722Gallaudet (1910) FROM-THEN-ONN/AAND FROM-THEN-ON THAT(1h,rt) MALE YOUNG GET(2h) cl:1(bullet-hit-body) DIE(1h,l-hand) IN ONE ROBBER STEAL TAKE(rep2x,2h-alt,rt-to-ctr) RELATED T-H-E D-O-O-N-E-S 64hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=722
959Gallaudet (1910) FROM-THEN-ONN/AAND J-O-H-N AND L-O-R-N-A LIVE HAPPY FROM-THEN-ON CONTINUE(rf) YEAR(rep) MANY82hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=959
1032Gallaudet (1910) FROM-THEN-ONN/ATRUE 1P-IX LEAVE(-from-lt) FROM COLLEGE BUT 1P-POSS HEART CONTINUE(1h,l-hand) gs:WARM-HAND~ENTHUSIASTIC FOR DEAF AND THINK~HOPE 1P-IX FIND(l-hand) WAY(rep) FOR HELP(rep) DEAF IN pn:AMERICA ALL-OVER FROM-THEN-ON. 90hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=gallaudet&glossid=1032
526Hotchkiss (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/AFROM-THEN-ON 1P-IX LEAVE-FROM(-from-lt) SCHOOL SEE LITTLE-BIT pn:CLERC52hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hotchkiss&glossid=526
64Hubbard (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/AFROM-THEN-ON 3P-SELF(rc) OUT~GO-AWAY(-to-lt) TEACH+, CHANGE ARMY GO-AWAY(2h) WAR.9hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hubbard&glossid=64
83Hubbard (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/AFROM-THEN-ON 3P-SELF++(rt) GO-TO(-to-lt) PICK-FROM(ctr-to-lt^) IN C-O-N-G-R-E-S-S.11hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hubbard&glossid=83
167Hubbard (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/AFROM-THEN-ON 3P-SELF(rt) RESPONSIBILITY DUTY PRESIDENT DO.18hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hubbard&glossid=167
280Hubbard (1913) FROM-THEN-ONN/ASMALL FROM-THEN-ON LITTLE-BIT MALE(rf)~FEMALE(rf)~PEOPLE KNOW+ 3P-IX(rt) pose:nod 3P-POSS(rt) HOUR++ FEW END.32hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hubbard&glossid=280
159Veditz (1913) THENN/Apn:GERMANY(lt) DEAF(l-hand), THEN pn:FRANCE(rt) DEAF(r-hand), LOOK-AT(2h,rt-to-lt) ON DET-IX-PL(arc-to-X) pn:AMERICA DEAF(l-hand) WITH EYES ENVY.16hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=veditz&glossid=159