Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
March 7, 2025

Search: WHITE

Entry ID Book Source Reference Gloss Author’s gloss Description Page URL
838Higgins (1923) WHITEWHITEWHITE: Open palm laid on chest, drawn outward, changing to "&" fingers pointing inward.147hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=838&refid=higgins1923
144Higgins (1923) WHITE~cl:L:(strike-lt-index)CHALKCHALK: Open palm on chest drawn outward closing tips together to denote "White" and then right index and thumb tips as if measuring the length of left extended index.29hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=144&refid=higgins1923
667Long (1918) WHITEWHITEWHITE: Place the palm of the open right hand against the breast; draw it away (to the front), bringing the fingers into the position of "&." XIII,264.77hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=667&refid=long1918
903Long (1918) WHITE~cl-d:B:B:(clasp&shake-to-jingle)SILVERSILVER: Make "white" (place palm of right hand against breast and draw it outward, hand assuming the position of "&"); then bring the hands together, making a hollow of them; shake as if they contained something to jingle.99hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=903&refid=long1918
882Long (1918) WHITE~SNOWSNOWSNOW: Make sign for "white," thus: place open hand against the breast and draw it away, closing the fingers against it, so that when it is free of the body it is in the position of "&;" then end with hands same as above in "rain," omitting "water."97hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=882&refid=long1918
457Michaels (1923) cl:5>8pluckB(plate)~WHITE~cl-trace:1(round)PLATEPLATE: 1. Pluck under the back of the left hand with the middle finger of the right hand. 2. Sign white. 3. Make a circle around the left hand with the right index finger.101hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=457&refid=michaels1923
354Michaels (1923) SICK~WHITE~cl:O>5onB(splotch-on-hand)LEPROSYLEPROSY: 1. Sign sick. 2. Sign white, viz.: Put the palm of the hand to the shirt front and draw the hand out closing the fingers around the thumbs. 3. Make a spluttering movement along the back of the left hand with the fingers of the right hand.83hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=354&refid=michaels1923
647Michaels (1923) WHITEWHITEWHITE: 1. Put the palm of your right hand to your shirt front. 2. Draw the hand outward closing the fingers around the thumb as you do so. Repeat the movement.136hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=647&refid=michaels1923
525Michaels (1923) WHITE~MONEY~cl-d:B:B:(clasp&shake to jingle)SILVERSILVER: 1. Make the sign of white. 2. Strike the back of the right hand in the palm of the left hand: money. 3. Put the palms of the hands near each other and shake them as if rattling silver money.113hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=525&refid=michaels1923
536Michaels (1923) WHITE~SNOWSNOWSNOW: 1. Put the palm of the right hand to your shirt front. 2. Draw the hand outward meanwhile close the fingers around the thumb: white. 3. Hold the palm up as far as you can in front of you. 4. Let the hands come slowly down in an oscillating movement. 5. Wiggle the fingers as you move the hands downward.115hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=536&refid=michaels1923
Tag ID Signer(Year) Reference Gloss   Context Segment URL
153Erd (1913) WHITE~SNOWN/AACROSS(pitch,-to-lt) WHITE~SNOW cl-d:55(covered,lt-to-rt)~cl:55+(fields), WAY(winding,-to-lt) gs:NOTHING BELOW(rt) TREE+(arc,rt) WHITE~SNOW(rt) cl-d:55+(covered-up),rt) cl:55+(branches-hanging-arched) cl:55+(alt,push-branches-away) cl:55+(alt,branches-swaying), 17hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=153
159Erd (1913) WHITE~SNOWN/AACROSS(pitch,-to-lt) WHITE~SNOW cl-d:55(covered,lt-to-rt)~cl:55+(fields), WAY(winding,-to-lt) gs:NOTHING BELOW(rt) TREE+(arc,rt) WHITE~SNOW(rt) cl-d:55+(covered-up),rt) cl:55+(branches-hanging-arched) cl:55+(alt,push-branches-away) cl:55+(alt,branches-swaying), 17hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=erd&glossid=159
149Hotchkiss (1913) WHITEN/AOLD(2h) cl-d:B(medium-height) MEDIUM WHITE HAIR cl-d:OxOx-to-AA(mustache)13hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=hotchkiss&glossid=149
166Marshall (1920) WHITEN/A1P-IX(rf) gs:OVER-THERE(rt) gs:SEE cl-d:5(feather,circ-at-hat) HAT cl-i:XxXx++(pull-feather-dn,l-hand-hold-at-hat) RED BLUE WHITE BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL25hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=marshall&glossid=166
335McGregor (1913) WHITE~FACEN/AAND(int) 1P-IX-PL STOP gs:WAIT (rt)ASK-QUESTION(-to-rt) WHO THERE(rt) BLACK~FACE OR YELLOW OR WHITE~FACE OR BROWN(ctr) gs:NOTHING(exp) gs:NOTHING(exp)34hsldb.georgetown.edu/films/tablefilm.php?source=mcgregor_sermon&glossid=335