Historical Sign Language Database
Georgetown University
July 27, 2024

Search: WORK~DO

Entry ID Book Source Reference Gloss Author’s gloss Description Page URL
627Long (1918) WORK~DOBUSYBUSY: Make the sign for work, i.e., strike the top of the left wrist with the under side of the right wrist, holding the hands in position of "S," and add sign of "action."73hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=627&refid=long1918
181Michaels (1923) WORK~DO~COLLECTEARNEARN: 1. Strike the right wrist on the left wrist two or three times. 2. Sign "do." 3. Make a scoop-in movement with the palm of your right hand over and along the palm of your left hand.53hsldb.georgetown.edu/books/book-window.php?id=181&refid=michaels1923
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